Tag Archive | demos

The Sounds of Holy Week

I’m sure that by now, especially if you are a “Spain-o-phile” lol, you must have seen dozens of photos of the Holy Week processions (and much better than the ones I’m going to post here!). But have you HEARD what Holy Week sounds like here in Spain?

So here I am posting a couple of recordings that I made of the music that they play. Just stare at the photos, imagine a cool night breeze brushing gently against your face (it was a warm night though, 22 degrees), listen to the sounds of Holy Week and pretend that you are surrounded by crowds of devotees and you can even transport yourself there and experience a Holy Week procession for yourself!

Well I couldn’t upload any music so I made a video instead! I invite you to check it out here (I put it in my son’s channel cuz I haven’t got one, in case you’re wondering about the name, oooh I’m so behind the times……):

or here, if the above link doesn’t work:


And while we’re at it, I put up a new demo too on MySpace, I invite you to check it out here:

Medley from Serena Amadis on Myspace.

or here, if the above link doesn’t work:


Well that is pretty much all we have been up to these days!

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My First Demo

It has been a while now that people close to me have been suggesting that I upload some demos that I have. But as you know, we human beings tend to be shy (well, some of us at least) about ourselves, our work and “putting ourselves out there”.

The result is that I usually hide the things that I do in the back of the closet (or computer!). But I’ve decided to try an experiment today and upload my first demo! So here it is, I don’t know how to upload music to WordPress so I’ll just provide the link to MySpace where I have it up.

(Click on the photo, photo is a link to the MP3 file.)

Flowers in Marbella(Click on the photo, photo is a link to the MP3 file.)

Hopefully someday in the future there will be more demos coming, but for that to happen, I’d have to figure out how to connect the cables to the new audio mixer. (If anybody out there happens to live close to me and is savvy about connecting cables, I could sure appreciate a hand haha!)

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Pa Amb Tomàquet